Questions tagged [policy]

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27 votes
2 answers

MO policy regarding pseudonyms that are other people's real name

I have noticed just now that a user has chosen as pseudonym "Alexander Grothendieck", which I'm a bit unconfortable with (the probability that it is also that user's name is extremely low, hence my ...
4 votes
1 answer

Posting a technical/narrow open question on mathoverflow?

I am a bit confused on our policy for open-problems. Are we allowed to post a technical/narrow conjecture/open problem on MO? For example, here is a type of a beautiful question that I have in mind ...
13 votes
3 answers

Cleaning up comments

Traditionally, MathOverflow moderators only delete comments that are highly problematic. Even in that case, we copied the entire deleted comment thread to Since migrating to the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Citing papers in questions/answers

Is there an established policy for how to cite a paper you link to in a question/answer? If not, what does etiquette dictate appropriate for citations? I used to be careful to include full citations ...
22 votes
1 answer

What is MathOverflow's "agreement" with Stack Exchange?

On June 24, 2013, MathOverflow signed an agreement with Stack Exchange, Inc., to migrate the original site to the newer Stack Exchange 2.0 platform and join the Stack Exchange network. François G. ...
0 votes
3 answers

Down vote without comment

I received a down vote on this question without any comment. Can one help me to understand how this question could be improved? I think that a moral and implicit policy of MO is that a comment ...
1 vote
1 answer

Question visibility and reputation

I wonder whether the visibility of a post changes according to the user's reputation asking the question. Is it also known if a user's posts' visibility is affected by other actions, like having ...
56 votes
4 answers

How much is MathOverflow exposed to recent events on StackExchange?

[Long-time 10k+ MO user here, asking this question anonymously for reasons that should be obvious. Added Oct 16: My access to this account will self-destruct in 3, 2, 1 .... (sorry, won't be able to ...
14 votes
4 answers

Removing greetings and taglines

The Stack Exchange Network frowns on greetings and taglines in posts. There were mixed reactions to this before we moved to the network. Should MathOverflow tolerate greetings or not? Is it ...
6 votes
1 answer

Who decides on a community policy?

Approximately one month ago, I asked whether pronunciation questions should be allowed. The responses I received seemed to suggest that they should, albeit possibly in the form of a handful of ...
12 votes
1 answer

Altering the question in a way that makes an answer obsolete

I've seen that several times: an answer makes OP want to change the question in a way that would damage the answer. Obviously this should not be done. In fact I think it is better to delete the ...
48 votes
4 answers

On discussion of published papers at MO

There is an interesting discussion taking place at MO over the suitability of this question: Complex structure on $S^6$ gets published in Journ. Math. Phys. The question is about the correctness of a ...
16 votes
3 answers

What is our policy on asking about correctness of preprints?

We talked about this a lot on the old meta 1, 2 but I don't see a concise statement of policy that I can link to, so I'm asking a meta question in hope of generating consensus on such a statement.
3 votes
1 answer

Bounty policies

When you propose a bounty, these points are immediately subtracted from your score, and can never return, even if there is no satisfactory answer. I think this is unfair; can someone explain the ...
18 votes
2 answers

Proposal to more aggressively delete off-topic questions

We are going to get many more off-topic questions now. Can we agree to vote to delete on them so as not to pollute the site? It takes a few votes from users who can vote on such things and/or one ...
34 votes
3 answers

Easy research-related questions, and closure reasons again

I am a bit confused by the close reason for It is an easy question ...
8 votes
2 answers

When to add post notices

Mods have a new option to add post notices. There are three basic notices currently available but MO specific notices could be added: citation needed - This post does not cite any references or ...
18 votes
5 answers

On the recent question "Is Euclid dead?", or: Is it considered good practice to use MathOverflow for a campaign?

Yesterday, a question entitled Is Euclid dead? has been asked in which the OP states: "Currently I am leading a campaign for the return of EG to the syllabus of the high schools of my country (...
4 votes
1 answer

What are our copyright policies?

Interesting questions, answers and ideas overflow everywhere in MathOverflow. Users can use them in their lectures, papers, teachings, etc. Of course it is the main propose of this free math ...
9 votes
1 answer

Is it considered good practice to clean up one's "useless" comments?

Hovering with the mouse above the upvoting arrow of a comment shows the text "this comment adds something useful to the post". Therefore arguably the number of upvotes a comment receives equals the ...
8 votes
1 answer

building a platform for reusing mathoverflow content

I'm working together with PlanetMath contributor Raymond Puzio on a proposal that would improve the PlanetMath platform, making it useful for remixing contents from MathOverflow, math.stackexchange....
8 votes
2 answers

Getting Experts Opinions on Mathematical Results

I would like to know, whether it is in the line of MO rules to present a result and ask for "opinions" like whether it is already known or worth pursuing and, who might be interested in the result. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Spelling conventions

After the recent discussion on LaTeX style accents, I have been reminded of this old discussion at tea regarding the appropriate spelling convention for some German names, such as Kähler. At the time, ...
13 votes
1 answer

Description of what kinds of questions are appropriate

On the old MO site, we had an extensive FAQ describing the purpose of MO and the kinds of questions that are welcome. Right now, I don't see any way for a new user to figure out what we're about and ...