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24 votes
1 answer

Can I ask a question on MathOverflow and also on another site?

Sometimes one might ask a question on a website such as Mathematics Stack Exchange which is comparable but not identical to MathOverflow, and then decide to post the same question on MathOverflow. ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Appropriateness and cross-posting

I am interested in this question on math.stackexchange. To me it is interesting because while it looks "obvious" that there isn't a solution with 6 turns (I have some very partial results ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Cross posts to Math SE

Are cross posts to Math SE allowed? As in almost exactly the same text, just posted there. Of course the sites are meant for difference things, but still just wondering. And if yes, should one link ...
redelectrons's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

I want to post a question on MathOverflow, but is it suitable?

I posted a question "A question on the remainders of integer division" on Mathematics one week ago. There is not any answer until now. I do not think it is a question of professional level, but it ...
KWSK's user avatar
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