Linked Questions

3 votes
1 answer

What are the Frequently Asked Questions on meta?

Some questions on meta are tagged faq. What does this mean? I wanted to tag a questions faq but it does not work and I wonder why and how I could get this tag on my question? Relatedly, what ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What points should someone think about before joining MathOverflow?

What points should I tell to someone whom I'm encouraging to join MathOverflow for a better contribution to this site and avoiding problems of any type as much as possible?
user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Why is my question apparently not research-level?

I just posted this question a few hours ago, and it's already had two votes to close for being off-topic (i.e., not of "research-level mathematics"). Considering it's ultimately a question about ...
Kieren MacMillan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is asking a question on the applicability of cellular automata to solving PDEs on closed curves appropriate?

Being a low rep user who is somewhat unfamiliar with the workings of this site, I would appreciate it if I could get some feedback on a question I am considering asking. It would be a reference ...
bzm3r's user avatar
  • 398
2 votes
1 answer

Are there ways to lessen amount of "bad" questions?

Not so easy to formulate what I want to ask... Lots of questions on MO are being (sort of) rejected as more appropriate for SE or not belonging here in some other way. Not only does this distract ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

How do people determine if other people's questions are research level or not?

I post a question here: (now deleted). Obviously, those who closed it think it is too elementary. But how do they know ...
user47622's user avatar
84 votes
3 answers

Should this site be "a shortcut to substitute for literature searches"?

On Reference for invariance of essential spectrum under relatively compact perturbations, Michael Renardy voted to close with the comment "This site should not become a shortcut to substitute for ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Questions about applied mathematics

There's a discussion taking place at this question Mathematical study of Mpemba effect? where the author UwF is arguing that this question isn't clearly off-topic and would like some explanations for ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.4k
10 votes
2 answers

"What is known about" considered harmful?

I have noticed that those of my questions with downvotes are exactly those beginning with the words "what is known about..." or "is anything known about...." For example: Stationary many subsets of $...
Trevor Wilson's user avatar
40 votes
3 answers

What shall we do with stone soup?

Sometimes, a question is asked that isn't up to the standards of MathOverflow. Maybe it's worded vaguely, maybe it's too open ended, or maybe the asker fundamentally misunderstood something important. ...
Scott Morrison's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Help fix the documentation!

Moderators have started incorporating the old faq material in the new help system. It wasn't a perfect fit, a lot of stuff is no longer relevant, redundant, missing or broken. You can help by going ...
François G. Dorais's user avatar

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