Linked Questions

10 votes
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Can we publicise the brilliant "insert citation" button? [duplicate]

This question is really just a heads up for the insert citation button. I'm a fairly regular user of MO, but I had no idea about this button until it was mentioned by Joe Silverman in an answer. I ...
Nick Gill's user avatar
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51 votes
2 answers

Formatting citations to the literature on MathOverflow

We'd like to make it easier to cite articles from the literature, on MathOverflow. I propose adding a single button to the edit toolbar while writing posts, which will pop up a search dialog, allow ...
Kim Morrison's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Request for help with javascript for the citation search feature

I would like to switch over the citation helper from the current kludged together back-end based on MathSciNet data, to an officially supported back-end (very kindly!) provided by Zentralblatt. We'll ...
Kim Morrison's user avatar
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Citing papers in questions/answers

Is there an established policy for how to cite a paper you link to in a question/answer? If not, what does etiquette dictate appropriate for citations? I used to be careful to include full citations ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
  • 10.1k
12 votes
1 answer

Braces don't render in preview

When I type braces in math mode in a post, like $\{1,2,3\}$, they don't show up in the preview. See the following screen shot. I tried all the different Math ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Citation helper: can we have it automatically convert \(...\)s into \$...\$s?

Here is an example output of the citation helper in the case where the citation's title contains $\rm\LaTeX$ code (random paper found by searching for L^\infty) ...
Calvin Khor's user avatar
5 votes
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Formatting problem

In my answer to When is the closed unit ball in a smaller Banach space closed in a larger Banach space? I wrote the following: > Edit: $Y=Z^*$ does not display correctly when it is in the body ...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is the citation helper broken?

For the last several days I've had no luck using the citation helper. Whenever I attempt to search for anything, although a search seems to be ongoing even letting it sit for minutes doesn't produce ...
user642796's user avatar
8 votes
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Icon for citation helper

On the main MathOverflow site (and also on math.stackexchange) the icon for the citation helper, which used to look as below, has recently confusingly changed to a "B", identical to the icon at the ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is something wrong with the citation helper?

I've found the citation helper very useful for inserting references in posts, and I always used to be very impressed at its ability to find details of even some quite obscure papers. But recently it ...
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar