As many of you have noticed, there's a lot of new users asking basic mathematics questions. This is not the only site in the network with this kind of problem; on Meta Stack Exchange we get all kinds of random questions and dubbed those users 'lost souls'. A while ago I wrote a userscript to make moderating those questions easier; depending on your privileges and the current state of the question, it will leave a comment, vote/flag to close the question, downvote it and eventually even (vote to) delete it.
I've been using it for a few months now here as well; you might have seen the comment generated by it:
Hi [username], welcome to MathOverflow! This site is for mathematicians to ask each other questions about their research. Please have a look at Mathematics to ask general mathematics questions. Check How to ask a good question to make sure your post is in good shape. Your question is definitely off-topic and better deleted here.
(Now that I think of it, it only works if you opt-in for viewing users' reputation - I might adapt the script so that it works without, if there's a demand for that.)
This question is posted partially because I'm looking for ideas about improving this comment; the other part (I hope that is allowed on this Meta) is encouraging you to try it out - especially if you're active in the review queues, it will save you many mouse clicks and keyboard strokes in the future. If you're not familiar with userscripts, here is some more information about them, including an installation guide. FWIW, that tag has a lot of other interesting scripts.