In the following comment, both summands should appear before the period: The source for the comment is:
$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$Proof of the well known fact: $\Hom_H(V_H, V_H) = \Hom_G(V_H^G, V) = \Hom_G(V \oplus (V \otimes \epsilon), V) = 1 + [V \otimes \epsilon \cong V]$.
I've asked a related question before, but, in that case, it was able to be resolved by displaying the window full-size. That does not work in this case. (In fact, re-sizing the window doesn't seem to change anything; I always see the period immediately after the $1$.)
EDIT: The display above is what it looks like in desktop macOS Firefox. Desktop Safari gives me a different, but still wrong, line break: It sure seems like the problems of overflowing math were fixed by giving each formula the maximum width that wouldn't overflow, and rendering it as a multi-line formula within that width if necessary—which is good!—but then the surrounding text needs also to be aware of this.