There have been two questions today with suggestions (one acted on, at time of writing) to close, with the question being better asked at academia.stackexchange: Referee reports and Covid lessons.
In both cases the questions certainly could be asked on academia.stackexchange, but I have reservations that they must only be asked there. The problem is that academia.stackexchange is meant to be for all academics, even if currently it leans quite heavily in the direction of Mathematics and Science (as far as I can tell, from the typical answer I see there).
I work in a very small maths department, and for teaching, collaborate a lot with physicists, and more widely, with general scientists, computer scientists etc. I am continually surprised at the range of practice around things like publishing: I have slightly lost count of the number of my colleagues who express profound surprise (even to the point of not really understanding), for example, that coauthors are listed alphabetically on a maths journal article. In turn, I find it surprising how much use of Powerpoint is made in teaching: for basic undergraduate material I pretty much only use chalk-and-talk for my own teaching.
Which is all to say, I think for some questions, there really is a difference between mathematics and even closely allied subjects, and I think it would be a loss to this site, and a dis-service to question askers, to always push such questions to academia.stackexchange. That said, some questions (perhaps almost anything from a student about the working relationship with their advisor, for example) which would be best closed and asked again elsewhere.