@YCor made a suggestion in an answer to another post (What is the intended use of the (proofs) tag?) a bit over a year ago. It received several upvotes, but does not appear to have been acted upon. I thought it might receive more attention here:
It's not exactly about the original question, but now proofs has been duly removed. There are still the tags alternative-proof and slick-proof (47 and 17 questions respectively at this date 2020/Feb/06). While in practice they have close meanings, the second one is unpleasantly non-neutral, and I'd like it to be removed, practically making it a synonym of alternative-proof would sound fine. Or manually (I'll understand upvotes/downvotes of this answer as for/against replacement of slick-proof with alternative-proof).
I tried proposing the tag synonym myself, but I do not have sufficient reputation.
in the title when creating a post, but not when editing it. I tried to edit meta.mathoverflow.net/questions/4927/… accordingly, and was scolded by the software. $\endgroup$