I am currently studying an existence lemma that appears to be simple yet powerful. From what I know about it, it is applicable in combinatorics, topology, graph theory, probability, percolation theory, game theory, maybe other fields as well (here is a graph theory version Graph with path of length $\geq n$ along grid diagonals - a known result in graph theory?).
Informally, it seems to me as versatile and powerful as the Lemma of Sperner, and feel it has a role to play in various fields.
To explore its strength, I would like to connect with a few users on MO, from different fields, who were touching on it in their posts. I would like to ask them if they could be interested to collaborate in the study of this lemma across fields.
How can I do that? Should I ask it as a question on MO, or is there another way of connecting? For example, is there a way to invite them to a chat?