Looking at the post you linked to, it seems quite likely that you are actually asking about comments under an answer to your question and not about comments directly to your question. EDIT: The OP has clarified in the meantime that this is indeed what they had in mind when asking this question.
You can find all details about using notifications in comments in the network-wide FAQ: How do comment @replies work?
(This link can be found also in comment-notifications tag-info.)
Notice that author of the post is always notified when there is a new comment. But since you're talking about an answer to your question posted by another user, you do not get automatically the notifications about all comments. So if somebody comments under that answer (or more generally under some other users' post), if you also posted a comment there, they can notify you by using the @username
There is one exception when this is actually not needed, I will quote from the linked FAQ post:
Note that if a user comments on their own post and there is only one other person who has previously commented on that post, then that person is also notified, even if @name is not used.
So as long as you and the post author (in this case the answerer) are the only users who posted comments there, you should get a notification. (However, this is not the case for the answer in the linked question.)
Looking at the comments which are displayed at the moment under the answer in question: The first comment by the answerer explicitly used "@PraphullaKoushik" - so you should be notified of that one. Neither the most recent comment by the answerer nor comments by the other user who was in that comment exchange use "@username" to notify you - so unless I missed something in the post explaining how comment replies work, there should be no notification about them in your inbox. (As already mentioned, the author of the post is notified.)
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