I propose adding n cat lab tag with an intention to discuss mathematics that is written in https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage.
As https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage has large amount of mathematics used as reference and/or as in learning for the first time I guess it would be useful to have a tag.
Questions in this tag should be restricted to mathematics written there.
This is not just to attract attention of editors of n Lab.
In that case it might be easier to bring to the notice of some one who has written something there if there is any problem. This is with an assumption that, author of that page is in MO. I am aware of one of the authors namely Urs Schreiber is a member of MO. It is very unlikely that author would respond to a mail sent by some one (unless that some one already familiar). So, this would be useful for betterment of users who use that site.
I would really want to add tag of n-lab for at least two of my questions Composition of bibundles and In what sense bibundles are called as generalized morphisms.
What does the MO community think about this?