Four weeks from tomorrow (at this writing) is March 5, the deadline for submitting abstracts for Short Communications for the ICM 2018 (International Congress of Mathematicians) happening In the first 9 days of this coming August, in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
The Congress organizers ask for registration first before abstract submission, but about a month after abstract acceptance is when early registration is finalized (meaning pay any money), so no financial commitment is needed to submit an abstract before the deadline. I encourage many who have publishable work to share to consider submitting an abstract. (Start with . I can add some words about the submission process for those interested.)
I have also done efforts to promote MathOverflow at the two past ICM's. (Thanks again to those who helped, especially Charles Siegel, Scott Morrison, and Mariano Suarez-Alvarez.) If you know you are attending and wish to do some MathOverflow related activities at the Congress, this thread is to help with the planning and organization of such activities. If you are unsure or know you are not attending but would like to help, participating in this thread is one way to do that.
One thing that became clear to me from the last ICM was that three months was not enough prep time to do a good job at promotion. It is my hope that this coming ICM will see enough time and community effort spent in helping MathOverflow grow into the global resource it can be. I also hope it will encourage more members to participate in meetups, and that one of them will happen in Rio in August.
So, what (MathOverflow-related) things do you want to see in Rio?
Gerhard "That Time Of Century Again" Paseman, 2018.02.04.