This is somewhat not-an-answer, as it is just advice/thoughts that cannot be used in this instance, since that horse has already left the barn. But it is something to consider in the future.
I think that in cases like this where there are multiple questions along the same theme but each of which can stand alone, it would probably make more sense to ask them as separate questions at the start, adding links between them to highlight the connections. This way if different users happen to answer different parts, each of these answers can be accepted as having adequately answered the different parts.
Recently the wording of the "too broad" close reason has been tweaked to make it clear that this is not an optimum way to ask questions given the Stack Exchange architecture (emphasis added):
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question.
(I am not claiming that the question should have been closed, just using this as an argument in favour of splitting such questions into their independent parts.)