(Neil Strickland provided a link to early graduate level questions: MO or Math.SE? which more or less answers this, so I have marked it as a duplicate)
Every now and then I encounter questions which are like this.
It is next to trivial not only for specialists in the corresponding field, but also for those who have studied that field a bit.
On the other hand, it seems to be quite probable that this question occurs to a newcomer in the field who has just begun studying it, and it might be very helpful for such a person.
In such cases I stay uncertain whether I should upvote the question or, on the contrary, it even does not belong on MO.
On one hand, it might be quite helpful for, say, first year graduate students.
On the other hand, the question is not very deep, and may be viewed as research level only in the sense of some earliest stage of research, involving studying existing knowledge in the subject.
Are such "newbie-style" questions considered as appropriate for MO?
Note that it is not unusual for such questions to have quite a few upvotes.