Here is my question:
I said in the beginning to please migrate if needed. Could it be on-topic here if I made some edits? What should I do?
Here is my question:
I said in the beginning to please migrate if needed. Could it be on-topic here if I made some edits? What should I do?
I am not an expert on the topic, so I can't tell if the question could be edited to make it on-topic. Typically questions that ask for homework help are not received well here, but exceptions are possible. It seems to me that the question would be fine at MSE and could have been migrated, but others may disagree.
People who vote to close are often hesitant to vote to migrate. We don't want to migrate questions that are not warmly accepted at their new home, so in event of any uncertainty people often decide not to migrate. If you feel that your question was not asked in the right place but would work well in a new one, you can ask for a migration by flagging the question and explaining the situation. And you can always delete your question and ask it at MSE instead.