Recently I created a new proposal at area 51; it's called Math Review (, and it is intended to be a Q&A site concerning troubles one finds while reading text books and articles. Mostly the troubles are bad typos, but not always; for instance I recently found in chapter 6 of a classic book a reference for a theorem that was proved in chapter 4, but when one consults the reference, there is no such theorem.
Articles are also abundant in bad typos and this leads to trouble understanding what the author is saying. Of course, after a while, the typo might be corrected, but this is not always the case, or it might take a long while.
With these ideas in mind I came to Mathematics Stackexchange.
But that site is for questions on math, which is different from issues concerning math texts. There, the focus is on the subject matter and not on the way something was written. I often tried to interpret the typo and if a problem persists I make it into a math question.
The point is, there should be a place where we could share those silent thoughts and corrections we make on a daily basis.
If this proposal turn out to be successful we might even use it as a place to discuss recent publications or pre-prints.
I kindly ask you to check it out, to see if the proposal can be improved.
Please help it become a better project.