I typed up an answer, and it tells me I have to have a name and a password to post. Apparently my session timed out while I was researching the answer. So I click the "Login" button, and my answer got lost. Even though if I tried to POST it, it should technically be saved in the browser.
So I think, whatever. I remember what the answer was, so I re-type a brief version of it. This time I am taken to image verification page. The images are tiny, and hard to tell what's in them. For example, there's the bottom of the street sign, is that a street sign? There's this gingerbread house with live animals sitting inside them. Maybe it only looks like it's a picture of food?
So after about 10 tries, I finally hit a few cases where I know that I identified the image correctly; however, I keep being taken to another one. So I enable all cookies (just in case), and continue. Same story. I look at the privacy policy, the cookies that were blocked when the page loaded, continue being blocked.
I decide to refresh the page and try posting again. Bye bye typed text; good thing I copy-and-pasted my answer this time. Image verification. I answer it correctly for sure, but it keeps asking me new ones. I refresh the page, and this time I'm allowed to post.
Why am I asked to prove I'm not a robot if I don't have any posting problems?
Why did it keep taking me to image verification even when I answered correctly, and I had to refresh the page to stop it from doing that?
p.s., I have IE9.