"Users" lists all users (ordered by weekly/monthly/../total reputation), each followed by a number of tags, related to his/her MO-activity. My question is: Is it possible to view the list of all users attached to one or more tags? Thank you.
8$\begingroup$ Do you know "topusers" (per tag), like mathoverflow.net/tags/ag.algebraic-geometry/topusers already and want something more elaborate? $\endgroup$– user9072Commented Aug 4, 2014 at 21:25
$\begingroup$ If there were a way to see beyond the first 20 entries, quid's link would seem to be an ideal answer. $\endgroup$– S. Carnahan ModCommented Aug 4, 2014 at 23:17
$\begingroup$ There have been 91 ag.algebraic-geometry badges awarded, mathoverflow.net/help/badges/99/ag-algebraic-geometry with similar lists for other tags. $\endgroup$– Gerry MyersonCommented Aug 5, 2014 at 6:08
1$\begingroup$ I hadn't thought of doing that before. It's an interesting idea, and I'll check into it. $\endgroup$– Tim PostCommented Aug 5, 2014 at 9:55
3$\begingroup$ @S.Carnahan: You can use the data explorer to go as far as you want down the list - data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/214921/… $\endgroup$– François G. DoraisCommented Aug 5, 2014 at 12:34
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