Added: About a week has passed. Turn out was not overwhelming but not as minimal as the score could suggest. Thanks to everyone who participated. At the time of writing we have +4 vs -4. So, opinions are mixed.
My personal conclusion: since there is no clear consensus against this edit (if I were to include my opinion in the count there would be a minimal majority against it though), I intend to approve (somewhat against my very personal opinion) such edits in the future (I did not reject much during the last week either), and by extension most suggested edits (except of course if there is some actual problem with the edit). The reasoning being that sometimes such edits being approved and sometimes such edits being rejected should be an annoyance for those suggesting them in good faith.
If somebody would still like to express their opinion, feel free to continue voting. I will continue to watch the score as I am generally curious about existing opinions.
I would like to revisit this matter with an example. (I am not sure if I rather should edit my existing answer or ask a new question but anyway.)
It seems to me there is no real consensus reached at all. There is one highly voted answer, however, it is very unspecific so that everybody can read it their way. (I did not get any reply for my request for clarification on what the poster, Andres Caicedo, meant; let alone finding out what the voters mean.) The bandwidth of in my opinion reasonable interpretations ranges from editing should be done if an only if something displays in an actually wrong way to every improvement however small is an improvement and should be done.
Yet, from my observation and his comment-reply to Yemon Choi I think that Andres Caicedo's and my views are actually not that incompatible, somewhat in the middle of the bandwith in that actual correction should be done and the rest if there is significant room for improvement (increasing readablity and clarity in a noticeable way), the answer does however leave much room for interpretation. Thus this follow-up. So, now, for the specific example.
I reviewed the edit of Polynomial bijections from Q x Q to Q now improved to "Polynomial bijections from $\mathbb{Q} \times \mathbb{Q}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$" (this is the full improvement!) I rejected it as 'too minor' one of the default reasons, however, it was approved by two others so it took effect.
As said, the edit consisted in changing only in the title, for the rest it was not necessary as already done long ago, "Q x Q to Q" to "$\mathbb{Q} \times \mathbb{Q}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$". In my opinion, an edit can hardly be more minor than this (also the question was old, also in the sense of not having been active very recently).
Moreover, in a recent discussion on the board now know as tea, the sentiment was expressed by some, not including me I was rather on the opposite side of the debate, that "texifying" is not universally appreciated, in particular not in irrelevant cases (where there is no risk of misunderstanding or decrease of readability), also mentioning loading time as concern. (I do not fully agree with this, but specifically for titles I agree, as the commulated longer loading for lists of question can be annoying.)
So, to cut a long story short:
Should edits like changing "Q x Q to Q" to "$\mathbb{Q} \times \mathbb{Q}$ to $\mathbb{Q}$" once when it is clear the rationals are meant be made even if it bumps the question?
Perhaps let us say vote up for: no, they should not be made, and down for yes.
(I hope it is alright to use answers in this form and induce voting in this way; I CW it though not sure this is relevant on meta.)