I found myself in a slightly awkward situation.
"Working" (hobby) on group conjugation I learnt about quandles and I finally managed to formulate some questions of some of the issues that interest me about conjugation but after some research on google I could not find easy introductions to the topic (Quandles and Conjugation Quandles) so I asked my questions on MathSE.
Since I wasn't able to find similar question there and the question I have asked did not raise much interest, I wanted to try it on MathOverlow... In half of the time I got already two answers! But I'm not sure that was a good idea anymore...
Even if I can understand my question (I hope) I can't understand the 70% of the answers.
Now I'm working hard searching the definitions of all the concepts that appears on the answers In order not "waste" the efforts that they have made.
What I should do?
I should accept randomly one of the two answers? Or I should wait until I will be able to understand the answers?
Can I comment/ask for more informations even if there is the risk that I will not able to understand more clarifications?
I apologize in advance for my bad English
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