Below, a question and answer on the only current MO chat, from two people who have been regulars on MSE chat, the second a moderator somewhere. My concern, for now, is that I see several MSE regulars there, including a few who put hw or similar questions on chat, one after the other. Which is why I stopped spending time on MSE chat.
I just hope the real mathematicians don't flee because of the guys asking homework questions in chat
Oh, you can ban that from the topic Most SE chatrooms have a topic You can discuss it on meta or in chat If, for example, a user comes long and posts an HW question, you can just tell them that "we don't discuss that here" If he persists, you can get him kicked (You guys may want to appoint room owners and decide a if HW is allowed, etc etc. I can do that but I don't know enough to determine which users should be promoted to owner)
EDIT: here is a transcript of the (only) MSE chat,
which has been going for about 1056 days, if you look back over at least a few days you will see what I mean, some people are active at certain hours of the day but not others, time zones differ, etc. It is especially annoying for me when I am asked a direct question by an @WillJagy ping. I prefer to pick the questions I answer, on Main.
P.S. to view the one current MO chat without getting caught up arguing with Harry,