4 years and 6 months ago I asked on MO: "Who introduced the terms “equivalence relation” and “equivalence class”?" It was somehow a resting stone of a long journey that started 13 years ago from today (when I was a Ph.D. student) and ended today by publishing the main lines of the journey into the very long history of equivalence.
Feel assured, it wasn't like a day and night, 13-year 24-7 sleepless years (though near the end it was like it). It was an on-and-off recurring thought, always haunting me. I tried several times but I couldn't find a right way to share what I wanted to share, what I thought it would be my contribution. It was until two years ago, that I found that a historian of mathematics (David Fowler) had also worked on the same topic, but died before publishing it. I tried to find his unpublished manuscript. But, sadly the two sources (his wife, and the library of Warwick Math Department) that could have it, had lost it. Upon that realization, I decided to finish the paper before I die. Now, it is what it is, dedicated to David Fowler.
The paper provides an answer to two of my questions on MO (above question and "History of the abstract method in mathematics", asked near the end of the journey. But I am not sure to share it or not. I love to, but I don't know if it is a right thing to do. What should I do?