One of the many things I was excited about in our move from MO 1.0 to 2.0 was the chance to leave responses to previous comments that automatically notify those people. Occasionally, a conversation occurs, and I would like to notify more than one person in the same comment. ("@Einstein: As @Godel said, you can't prove consistency (that's what you said, right?).") You know, like cc'ing someone on an email. But when I tried to do so just now, an error message popped up letting me know that that wouldn't work.
I assume that this was a design decision by the StackExchange folk, and not a technical obstruction. I can imagine some reasons, none entirely convincing, why I might have made that decision — anyone want to explain the actual reason? Alternately, can I submit "the ability to make simultaneous notifications" as a feature request?
If this question is better suited for a centralized meta.SE site, feel free to migrate it.
P.S.: In response to the text box, I cut and paste half of my comment into a second comment. This had two suboptimal outcomes: (1) There is now one more comment than there needs to be. (2) When I tried to click submit, I was told I cannot submit two comments within the same 15 second window. Unfortunately, my count to "15 Mississippi" went a little fast, and every attempt resets the clocks. I should mention: this was in the comments section of a question I had asked, where I was responding to comments raised; surely I can be trusted not spam myself?
Or, surely, I can learn to be a little more patient. 15 seconds isn't really very much time. I mean, I spend longer than that trying to convince myself not to click "refresh" yet again on Google News.