My question is prompted by the reappearance of this post on the front page. A glance at the edit history shows that the OP has edited his own question thirteen times. This user has a history of excessive self-edits of his other questions. Has this issue been discussed on Meta before? I see several questions about editing but none which address this particular problem.
In the current set-up, there is no penalty for editing your own post as many times as you like, and there is a strong incentive to do so, because every time you do it goes to the top of the queue and more people see it. It is a way to game the system and call more attention to your questions (at the expense of others, obviously).
According to quid, no approval is needed in the case of self-edits. Should it be? Perhaps even when a proposed edit is presented for approval the number of previous edits of the question could be displayed and "no, because the question has already been edited excessively" could be one of the default reasons for rejection. Or maybe the system could automatically reject edits at some point ("you've edited this question too many times; try again tomorrow"). Or ... ?