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Apr 14, 2023 at 14:14 comment added LSpice I think it's worth noting, somewhat in the spirit of @DanielAsimov's comment, that MO is what its community says it is, neither more nor less. There can be external attempts to guide it, but, if the community rejects or does not follow those guidelines, then they become false statements, not broken rules. SE as a whole is as you say, but that doesn't mean MO is or, to the extent that it is, it must continue to be. (I have my own, strong, opinions, but they don't matter except as they are part of an expression of the community's views.)
Apr 14, 2023 at 1:29 comment added Daniel Asimov Alex M. — I believe that, regardless of your philosophy of compliance with the "rules" on MO, you are ignoring reality. Many years of reality. Consisting of many fruitful back-and-forth conversations expressed via the comments to an answer here. I am, by the way, not at all suggesting that the written rules be modified. Only that the overeager rules enforcers consider the possibility that they are doing more harm than good.
Apr 9, 2023 at 21:01 comment added Alex M. @MahdiMajidi-Zolbanin: The enforcement of rules on MO is less strict than on other Stack Exchange sites. Most of MO's users are researchers or advanced students, therefore mature individuals, and it is reasonable to expect that they have the wisdom to navigate among the rules intelligently and not push the boundaries too much. In other words, MO is not a kindergarten, and its moderators are not a police force. So far this arrangement has worked quite well.
Apr 9, 2023 at 20:47 comment added Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin To me there is no clear-cut boundary between "precise answer" and "discussion". To me the answers provided for this questions… for instance, seem like a discussion. There is no "precise answer" in this question. There are many answers, hence, a discussion. Yet, the question is allowed.
Apr 2, 2023 at 13:50 comment added user142929 Each person defends their point of view as they consider (the owner of the post is a professor who is member of the site for 13 years, and he edits this post as New contributor on Meta of MathOverflow). Look at your last post on Meta (in my view as soon you explicited that your words were "to be taken as a joke" the storm of downvotes on your post seem stopped).
Apr 2, 2023 at 8:55 history answered Alex M. CC BY-SA 4.0