I have noticed that there is a tag namecalled interesting-tags on meta. It is actually one of the default tags - these are the tags that are automatically created on every new meta site and are not deleted even if they have zero questions.
You may notice that on Meta Stack Exchange, this tag is now a synonym of (favorite-tags). And I'd guess most users know this feature under the name favorite tags. (Maybe it was called differently at the time when the default tags were selected.) I think that average user would have hard time guessing what (interesting-tags) is intended for. Which might lead to inconsistent usage of this tag and some incorrectly tagged questions. (As you can see in this chat transcript the tag has been used on some question on meta - herehere and here here - and in neither of the two cases in the intended meaning. To be honest, I was quite puzzled when I saw the tag for the first time.)
My suggestion is to clarify usage of this tag and also make the name correspond to today's terminology.
- One possibility would be to create a new tag favorite-tagsfavorite-tags and make this tag a synonym. (With (favorite-tags) as the master tag. This would basically copy the usage on Meta Stack Exchange.)
- Another option would be to create a tag synonym interesting-tagsinteresting-tags $\to$ favoritesfavorites and use (favorites) both for favorite questions and favorite tags.
If you look at current usage of the tag favoritesfavorites and also if you check current revision of the tag-excerpt and the tag-wiki, you can see that this tag is currently used for both favorite tags and favorite question. (I am partly to blame - I have used the tag in this way and also I have created the tag-info. However, it seemed to me a bit redundant to create a separate tag for favorites tagfavorite tags.)
This means that if we decide to have a separate tag for favorite-tagsfavorite-tags, this would require also retagging of a few older questions. Which is why I am inclined more to the latter option, i.e., to have one tag for both favorite tags and favorite question.
But I am certainly open to the other solution. We can discuss (and vote) in comments which of the two options is better.